Hello Celebration DJ friends and fans new and old.  It's Julie.  Thank you all for enjoying our site and sharing it with your friends and family.  Wedding and  summertime event season is ramping up quickly.  So, with that in mind, you need to work on that guest list. Rather your hosting an event or it's your big day, knowing your participants is extremely important.  While planning, here are a few things to consider: weather, ethnic /religion traditions, the young and mature audience as well as the recovering community.  One thing you don't want to be is inconsiderate of your guests.  How do you avoid offending anyone?  One word....options.  Do your research and try to provide as many options to your attendees as possible. 

For example, virgin drinks or soda and flavored waters, honoring grandparents and watching your music selections, making sure not to forget the youth.  Always keep in mind ethnic and religious traditions and make sure your don't plan your big day or event on a sensitive date.  Next time I'll cover how to pick the perfect color combination for your day or event.  Stop by often for more helpful tips and of course the best deejays, "Were We Make Music Come to Life". 


No matter if it's a wedding, corporate function, your very first seminar or even a backyard picnic there's something they all share alike and thats; planning. 
Hi, my name is Julie and welcome to my first blog and the last site you'll ever need for great tips on weddings, event planning or just searching for that perfect celebration deejay.  

Planning is often a hard part of putting together that special day or event.  Most believe they can picture that day in their mind and somehow, with no effort,
it's going to be perfect!  Sometimes even the best laid plans are not always good enough.

So, how do you best prevent hours of planning a great event from going south?  One word....research.  Here are a few things I suggest you begain researching before you decided to book that hall.  Family or potenial client availability, who is your target market, the target date of special day and for you mid-western states like Ohio pick up the Farmer's Almanac from your local library, (or go on line).  This will become a helpful resource for predicting the weather days and even months in advance.  I've used it a few times myself and it's pretty accurate.
Next time I will help you find your potenial customer by identifying your target market.  Stop by often for more helpful tips and of course the best deejays were we make music come to life. 

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